Marketing & Channel Assessment

Is your marketing working? What parts are worth holding on to, and which should change? These fundamental questions are answered with a marketing assessment.

An actional and un-biased assessment with bottom-line impact

B2B CMOs juggle a range of responsibilities, often including managing a large team across marketing specializations.

But the big responsibilities leave little to no time to reflect: “What’s working and what isn’t? What should we start, change and stop doing”?

An external marketing assessment is an opportunity to get an un-biased view of what works and what doesn’t, often revealing vast amounts of either improvement potential as well and time and money savings.


How to work with Marketing & Channel Assessment

What we do
Kvadrant Consulting is an ideal partner as we combine in-depth marketing understanding with a rare un-biased view; we don’t rely on selling you technology, media or agency services after the assessment.
We help commercial leaders through the strategy process from research to decision-making and activation.
We often help with:

Taking time to sit down and look at your department always ends at the bottom of CMOs’ to-do-list. No wonder – they’re busy people and have targets to reach and people to lead. An assessment of the marketing function by a third-party helps you take a few steps back to take inventory and revisit the big questions.

Case in point

How we helped a provider of professional services with $100.000 short-term savings

A provider of professional services contacted Kvadrant Consulting with the aim of optimizing the contribution of marketing.

Marketing in a professional services company with hundreds of partners and many business units, is a complicated affair. It needs to both provide a “top-down” direction and clear positioning, as well as “bottom-up” commercial activation of key business units. This marketing department had not achieved this balance, and was struggling to prove value from marketing.

In collaboration with the CMO and representatives from the executive management team, Kvadrant Consulting conducted a marketing assessment. By first establishing a reference model of “what good looks like” in a professional services context, we assessed the performance on key parameters like strategy, digital, ABM and analytics. Based on the assessment, we conducted leadership & reference group workshops and developed six marketing recommendations which are currently being implemented.

The assessment also drove >$100.000 in short-term savings that could be moved into net-new marketing programs.

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