Marketing Transformation

Changes in external buyer behavior and internal goals drive the need for marketing transformation in many B2B companies.

New marketing function for a new buying reality

Too many B2B marketing departments operate with an out-dated mode of going to market, focusing on the very basics of marketing; arranging events, driving some awareness, producing marketing material, and acting as sales support.

As buyers increasingly do their own research online and avoid physical sales interactions, marketing must step up to become an increasingly strategic function, becoming a true revenue driver across the sales funnel.

However, this often requires a larger transformation of the marketing department, across strategic direction, capabilities, tools, partners, and ways of working.


How to manage a marketing transformation

What we do
In periods of change in the market within leadership or ambition levels for marketing, Kvadrant Consulting acts as a strategic partner to the commercial leadership and co-develops the marketing transformation, all the way from vision to job descriptions.
We help companies reconfigure:

Marketing in B2B has a real opportunity to transform from a tactical sales-support mindset to a strategic revenue driver.

Case in point

How we redesigned the strategy with 25% growth for a global software company

A global enterprise software company was losing market share and relevance as competition was heating up in an increasingly competitive category.

The marketing organisation primarily focused on creating assets and supporting existing channel partners. There was no measurable impact on business and weak commercial engines and collaboration with sales.

A newly hired CMO alongside Kvadrant Consulting completely redesigned the purpose, strategy, targets, organisation and value drivers for their 70+ marketing team across local and global roles in ~3 months. Collaborative process with existing marketing leadership team, sales leaders and senior management.

The company went from being a no/low growth company to growing 25%+ the following year.

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