Product launch excellence

About the webinar

June 06, 2023

Our research shows that more than 50 % of product launches fail. No matter whether you are a glass-half-empty or half-full type of person, this can’t be super satisfying.

A big reason for these dire success rates is that many complex BtB and health care companies follow a launch playbook built for fast-moving consumer goods.

It is time to reinvent how complex, global B2B and healthcare companies launch products, hence we have dedicated a full webinar to this important topic.



8:15 Share the fresh research on why product launches fail

8:25 Present a new approach to product launches 

8:35 Provide hands-on advice and guidance to commercial leaders on how to implement it in their organization and ultimately increase the success rates of future launches.

8:45 Open Q&A and discussion

Mikkel Bach-Andersen
Mikkel Bach-Andersen
Mikkel has has 12+ years of experience of consulting B2B companies. He has a functional focus on brand strategy, value propositions, segmentation, organizational design, commercial strategy, product launches and deal acceleration.